Legendary Dads Podcast

Let’s walk together on the journey from being a ‘well-behaved’ dad who is doing what he thinks he’s supposed to and hoping it’s right, to becoming a ‘high performance’ dad who is clear on who he is, where he and his family are going and why.

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This week Kevin takes us on an energetic journey of parenting where you can explore with him; the idea of being intentional about how we use our energy; ways we might direct the family energy levels; how transitions help maintain our energy level; It takes some effort to shift the way we move from work...


Join Kevin as he explores the journey of maintaining a relationship that is constantly changing. In this episode, he shares key tips to helping our kids move in the direction they need to go, challenges listener to keep in the effort to know who they are and what they need, and teach your kids new ways of thinking. As parents, we sometimes loose track of what was once important to us, and we let things slip without realizing it. Kevin challenges us to be open and honest with our kids, showing that even though we make mistakes, we can be...
In this episode, we join Kevin as he shares some hard-won lessons about being Dad to a family in trauma. Kevin opens up about the collision he and his family survived. He shares openly about how healing from trauma revealed opportunities to learn, becoming the man his family needed him to be, and how taking time to listen, actually saves time. Self-awareness and clarity open the doors to a more fruitful and enjoyable life for our family. Kevin reveals how emotions are the thermostat for life and how we can reset the thermostat for our life to move life to...
In this conversation Adam shares with openness and candour his thoughts and experiences on; travel plans before/after kids, how our way of living influences our kids’ choices and behaviours, teaching our kids that they are not too young to turn ideas into reality, taking advantage of “circumstances beyond our control” (*cough*covid*cough), the challenges of a relationship with a human who is constantly changing, and leaving our kids with a legacy of good character. Through the process, Adam’s creativity and dedication to teaching his kids how to live life to the fullest are not just evident, but inspiring.
In this episode, we feature Bryan Ward who shows great openness and vulnerability in sharing personal stories and lessons learned through the process of loving his wife and their two boys. As we talked he shared about choices he made in prioritizing work and family time, how his relationship with his spouse improved his efforts as a dad, the value of being proactive in asking for help, and some profound insights around dealing with addiction, anger, and learning humility letting your kids grow up and live their own life. There is so much more we could learn from Bryan, so...
Join Braden Ricketts as he helps Kevin to highlight some parts of his journey that have built-in him the desire to leave such a legacy for his family and their children, that they might consider him a legend, and to answer some important questions like; What/who is a Legendary Dad?; Who is Kevin and what has motivated his mission to help others become Legendary Dads?; How the trauma of the collision he was in with his family has made him a better husband and dad; Is it okay for dads to fight? In sharing his story Kevin reveals some of...
Meet your host Kevin Williams and discover what Legendary Dads is all about.

©2024 | Kevin Williams